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Each year the Little River Support Group organise The Little River Pumpkin Festival. Hundreds of visitors and competitors are attracted to Banks Peninsula from all over Christchurch, Canterbury and around the South Island. International tourists to New Zealand also enjoy the festival as they travel through Little River and stop to check it out.
The festival aims to be a family fun-filled day in a stunning country setting. Entertainment including music, games, competitions (such as childrens races, gumboot throwing, and chocolate wheels), country stalls and sideshows, food - especially the famous Little River Pumpkin Soup and Pumpkin Pie - and of course some amazing pumpkins.
There are some fantastic prizes on offer for all the pumpkin classes and competitions, plus a great prize draw and several exciting auction items. More details of prizes will be posted on this website nearer the day.
Our next festival will be held on Sunday 6th April 2025.
Giant pumpkin seedlings are distributed every spring, available from all the local stores and businesses in Little River.
This year, get your hands on fresh seeds and germinate them yourselves for the satisfaction of the entire giant pumpkin growing experience. Buy these from the Little River Craft Station or order from littleriverpumpkinfest@gmail.com

In the past our seedlings have travelled throughout Canterbury and New Zealand, where they have been nurtured, tended, fed and watered in an attempt to win the ultimate accolade of largest pumpkin!
Come and enjoy the biggest pumpkin festival in New Zealand!
Located at the Little River Domain