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​ Festival Rules
All pumpkins entered in the show must be a species of pumpkin.
Each pumpkin may only enter 1 category of competition.
Giant pumpkin registration closes at 9:30am in the turning circle, in the NE corner of the domain.
The Small Fry category is for fully set, ripe pumpkins at the judge's discretion.
If you do not wish your pumpkin to be sat on, you will need to clearly mark it so and be prepared to position it away from others. We cannot take responsibility for your pumpkin's safety.
The winning Big Boy pumpkin is to be displayed outside the Little River Cafe for a minimum of 2 weeks after the festival. The seeds to be donated to the Little River Support Group.
The winning scarecrow for both the children's and adult's category must be able to be put on display at the Little River Craft Station for a minimum of 2 weeks after the festival.
Owners are asked to remove their pumpkins by 3pm on the day; any pumpkin found unaccompanied after this time will be given detention and may not be home in time for dinner.
The judge's decision is final.

Rules & Growing Tips
Growing Tips
Prepare the growing bed by digging in well-rotted manure and compost to a four-spade depth. The area needs to be a good sunny position, well-drained and protected from winds.
Plant seedling pumpkin and protect from frost. Ensure seedling is well watered.
When flowers have set, ensure pollination by picking a male flower and hand pollinating the female flower (the female flower has swelling at the base of the stalk).
When a fruit is set (the size of a melon or small soccer ball), remove other fruit to allow the chosen fruit to thrive! Place a bed of straw, newspaper or foam underneath the chosen fruit to ensure it doesn't rot or discolour.
Ensure the pumpkin has enough water, is sheltered from extreme winds and is fed by secret recipes!
Keep fingers crossed until the pumpkin begins to swell! Keep feeding and watering!
Good luck!